Monday, January 24, 2011

Tinga Tinga Paintings which are very Emotive and Well-Liked

Tinga Tinga paintings are the most well-known category of the African paintings. As there are four major themes of African paintings which are very emotive and well-liked:
-         Couple theme: A couple themes in African paintings are used to symbolize the founders of their community. Shrines and statue were well-liked art for special occasions; this theme is most liked by the people because of the cause that it signifies power and proud.
-         Mother with her children: Most common theme in the African art is mother and children; this African theme depicts the significance of the relation of mother and children.
-         Man along with weapon or some animal: This kind of theme in African Art reflects the status of the individual in order to show the respect for the associates, and this theme is the symbol for the power and wealth.
-         Stranger: stranger in an African civilization may be used to signify country or community.

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